Created by Jim Caswell
Team PL: 10

After being absorbed into the local Strikeforce and having their numbers drop to one, The Aces officially disbanded as a group. Instead, the Las Vegas Strikeforce agreed to work with the local parahuman talent on a case-by-case basis, using them as consultants and deputizing them in cases where supervillains are involved. As the heroes gradually departed and more parahuman officers were brought in, the Nevada Strikeforce stepped in fully to fight the evil in the area.

Strikeforce Command Staff
China Malone
Malachi Able
Arden Davis Jacobs
Rudy Lopez
Juanita Vendaval

Strikeforce Support Staff
Johnathan Maddock
Jackie McWaters
Chip Danvers

Semi-Active Consultants
Jack of Diamonds
Ted Crandell

Former Associates
The Hammer
Critical Condition
Dark Force
The Bronze Amazon

Former Officers
Luke Bingham

Standard Strikeforce Office and Transports and Specialized Vehicles

Go to the complete history of the Nevada Strikeforce team

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Last updated on 11 May 2024