Champions of Justice

NAME : Valerie Roberts IDENTITY : Secret OPERATIONS : Rockford, IL, USA POWER LEVEL : 12 PLAYER :
NPC, was Jenn Lindgren

Abilities Cost: 96

Lifting STR 17/19 3200 tons or 12,000 tons Running 7 250 MPH 'Leaping' 7 250 MPH Swimming 7 60 mph Impervious ignores up to 5/8 Regenerate every 2 rounds

DODGE (AGL) 11/9 (DC 21/19) PARRY (FGT) 11/9 (DC 21/19) FORTITUDE(STA) 12/14 TOUGHNESS(STA) 13/15 WILL (AWE) 8
Defense Cost: 3

(normal) +12 Close, Damage 12, multiattack (Crt:18-20) Throwing +9 Range, Damage 12/14 Unarmed/Grab (heavy) +10 Close, Damage 14 (Critical:16-20)


Acrobatics 10 9 1 Athletics 13/15 12/2 1 Close Combat 7/5 5/2 -- Unarmed 10/8 5/2 3 Wrestling 10/8 5/2 3 Deception 10/12 1/2 9 Expertise
LoC stuff 4 3 1 Japanese Culture 4 3 1 Office Lady 4 3 1 Insight 10 8 2

Intimidation 4 1 3 Investigation 4 3 1 Perception 10 8 2 Persuasion 2/4 1/2 1 Ranged Combat 1 1 -- Thrown Objects 9 1 8 Sleight of Hand 4 1 3 Stealth 10 9 1 Technology 4 3 1 Treatment 4 3 1 Vehicles 4 1 3
Skills Cost: 23

Accurate Attack Agile Feint All-Out Attack Assessment Attractive 1 Beginner's Luck Benefit 1 (CoJ) Connected Diehard

Equipment 3 Fascinate (Deception) Great Endurance Improved Critical 2+2 (Unarmed) Improved Initiative 1 Improved Trip Interpose Language (Japanese)

Lionheart Luck 3 Move-by Action Power Attack Set-Up 2 Skill Mastery (unarmed) Takedown 1 Talented Amateur 2 Teamwork
Advantages Cost: 33

Daddy's Invulnerability: Immunity 10 (Radiation Damage), ½ effect; 6 Protection 1 Radiation-boosted Erylusian Strength: Enhanced STR 5, lifting only 5 Radiation-boosted Erylusian Resiliance: Immunity (Life Support, Aging) 11 Mass Control Array 33 AE Normal Weight: Impervious Toughness 9; Enhanced Traits: Fighting +2, 32 Dodge +2; Erylusian Healing: Regeneration 5; Karate Rapid Punches: Multiattack on 12 Strength AE Some of Daddy's Density Control: Density Growth 2 (+2 STR, +2 STA); 1 Impervious Toughness 15; Improved Crit. +2 (unarmed); Erylusian Healing: Regeneration 5, Persistant Movement Array 10 AE Anime Leap: Flying 7, limited must land every other round 7 AE Great Legs: Speed 7 1 AE Breaststroke: Swimming 7 1 AE Getting in the Way: Deflection 9, Close, Reflect, Reflect only 1 works on ranged Physical attacks
Powers Cost: 65
Devices Cost: 0
Total Cost: 229
Base Points: 192 ExP Spent: 37 Experience Points Total: 53 ExP Spent on PL Increase: 16 Total Points: 229

The Markers; CoJ Communicator COJ-036 3 Contribution to CoJ Bases and CoJ Vehicles 11 Disguises: +10 Deception, disguise only; standard action to put on 1
Personality - Valerie can be nerdy, blunt and tactless.
Responsibility - Charcoal is the daughter of Doctor Radio and Amazon Grace. As such she grew up being taught the importanance of helping people and using her abilities wisely.
Heritage - Valerie is half Erylusian. She sometimes finds herself caught up in Erylusian related plots.
Costume and Physique Problem - Charcoal's breasts tend to become exposed from costume damage and the like. It is NEVER deliberate on her part.
Family Issues - Valerie was unaware of her mother's family (Mister Hercules and Olympia) in Canada until recently. Her baby brother, Victor, was recently born.
Charcoal alternate gear
young Charcoal Known Background: Charcoal first appeared as a super heroine in Rockford, Illinois. On her first case, she seemed to already be known to another midwestern hero, Captain Miracle. Between this, her hair colour, and her powers led some to, correctly, surmise that this new heroine was the daughter of Amazon Grace, former Legion of Champions member. Shortly after meeting the Chicago based superteam, the Hawk, she was recruited as a part of that groups first big attempt at expansion. This expansion did not go well, and her tenure with the Hawk was brief. Several months later she met the Champions of Justice, and she eventually joined; one of the first among a wave of younger heroes. More recently, her mother has finally revealed more of their origins, and her father has returned from his exile in space. While these are good, Charcoal is less comfortable with her parents' decision to expand their family.
Powers/Tactics: Charcoal is half Erylusian, in effect, a demi-goddess. Further more, she inherited some of the radioactive spawned might of her father, Doctor Radio. As such she is extremely strong and durable, and like most Erulusians heals at an enormous rate. Further more, she's been trained to use her strength in hand-to-hand combat. She is, in short, a brickette. Her enhanced muscles let her run and swim at incredible speeds, and she can jump half a mile. Her greatest drawback as a combatant, is that she can enjoy it too much and become distracted.
Charcoal letting her hair grow

Personality: As a part of the so-called "Loc Bloc" (the children of the Legion of Champions), especially being born with powers, Charcoal basically saw life as a super heroine as a forgone conclusion. What else would she do with her powers? As such, her determination is partially hidden by a bright, almost bubbly personality, who is comfortable with who she is. Conversely, it is in her life outside heroics where her nerdy, introverted side shows. A late bloomer and hiding her powers, she grew up without many friends. Somewhere along the line she became a Nipponophile in general, and an anime fan ("otaku") in particular. Amidst the costumed fraternity, she is not afraid to let her competitive side show.

Appearance: Charcoal is 5’11" and weighs more than she appears, at 165 lbs. Though in her twenties, her slowed aging process means her body, like a teenager's is still developing. Bustier than average, she benefits from having super humanly strong pectoral muscles. A natural redhead, she's growing into a becoming a beautiful young woman. Her uniform is a grey bodysuit, with leather trim, emblazoned with a keyhole opening.
Charcoal na no da!

Charcoal was created and designed by Jenn Lindgren. She is currently an NPC.

© Copyright 1997, 2024 - Jennifer A. Lindgren, Kenneth G. Hallaron

Go to Charcoal at the beginning of her career

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Last updated on 26 May 2024