Created by Ken Hallaron, Jim Caswell, Katie Meadows, Terry Doner and Lynda Fitzgerald
The general public doesn't know what causes one person to gain super powers after being struck by lightning, and another killed. They are unaware that, millennia ago, Erylusians mistaken for gods and an alien visitor from Granar had a huge impact on the human DNA (unlike other extradimensional counterparts: the Fae and original Dragons, who left their influences in other ways). They held so much sway because, unlike the others, they were able to breed with the humans, imparting their genetic superiority to their offspring.
In most cases, the Erylusian and Granar genomes have been diluted to minuscule proportions and only gets triggered by exposure to extreme or life-threatening situations. In extremely rare situations, though, the genomes can inexplicably exert themselves, mutating the person with no provocation. Usually this mutation exhibits itself both physically and as parahuman abilities, but even rarer are the ones that only gain super powers, without the disfigurement that accompanies it.
© Copyright 1987, 2024 - James E. Caswell, Kenneth G. Hallaron
Last updated on 24 March 2024