Created by Jim Caswell
Team PL: 12 (8-14)

While not all of the RCU's horrors lead directly back to Der Nacht, plenty do. It all started shortly after the birth of Christ when a barbarian leader ran head long into the goals of Germanicus Ceasar, who was trying to take over the area now known as Germany for Rome. When the rebel leader was finally captured, he called forth the sorceress Morlaina to condemn the warrior's soul to hell. Unbeknownst to anyone, she actually opened a portal to another dimension, now known in the black magic circles as Der Nacht.

Der Nacht proved to be a dimension of pure evil - thought of by most of its eventual residents as hell itself. When the connection was established, the Der Tag castouts received a sampling of our realm and found themselves wanting more. The demon-like beings (later known as Felonious and The Boogie Man) quickly made a pact with the pair of humans to continue the ritual slaying of innocents. In exchange for power beyond their imagination, they would take the fear and dispair that the death's would cause to feed their powers.

Followers of Germanicus' ritual cropped up and the Der Nacht rulers began to rise in power in the dark realm. Likewise, when Germanicus and Morlaina died, they captured their souls as well and turned them into the some of their first soldiers - Drakus (later known as Fang) and Panthenon. Through the ages, the Followers continued as most cults do, working in secret to gather power and prestige. Occasionally, their presence would surface for what it was and lead to almost total annihilation of the sects. Meanwhile, Boogie Man and Felonious went through the centuries picking out the most deadly and maniacal Followers to transform into their cadre of minions upon their death. The only exception within his ranks was the first victim: the brainwashed barbarian now known as Pallequin.

Also during this time, Drakus and Panthenon were granted special privileges above and beyond those of the other minions. All of them were allowed to return to cause havoc as "monsters" (with Donovich, Rudalt and Maltron actually making semi-famous names for themselves), but the two of them were allowed to go one step farther in creating "offspring." Drakus became the creator of a clan of vampires, while Panthenon used her magic to curse humans by transforming them into lycanthropes.

By the third quarter of the twentieth century, they had an army of demons. When a mystical portal opened, The Boogey Man saw this as his opportunity and launched an assault on the human race. It took the coming together of the first members of the Champions of Justice to foil his plans and send the residents of Der Nacht packing. The attack also cost them Felonious, who was lost during the invasion. A few years later, sparked from this failure and centuries of building resentment, The Boogie Man was faced with a rebellion. In the confusion, two residents made a break for it - Drakus and Pallequin. Many of them were wiped out in the war that followed, with only those loyal to The Boogie Man surviving. Now he waits as the Followers grow in size once more.

Recently, Der Nacht was shaken by the defeat of the Boogie Man. A new ruler rose quickly to the top, though nothing is known of him to those that study such things on Earth. He is simply known as the Demon Master. The link to Earth that allowed Followers to grow in power was shattered, not once, but twice, leaving Der Nacht without a source of influence on the mortal plain.... until a new link was formed.

Known Residents
The Demon Master
The Abomination
The Hermaphrodite Horde



The Boogie Man

© Copyright 1995, 2024 - James E. Caswell

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Last updated on 24 March 2024