NAME : Harrison Lambert
POWER LEVEL : 10 (11, see Complications)
PLAYER : non-player character
Abilities Cost: 76
Lifting STR 2
200 lbs.
Running 1
Jumpline 3
120 ft.
ignores up to 3
* - without Defensive Roll
DODGE (AGL) 14 (DC 24)
PARRY (FGT) 14 (DC 24)
Defense Cost: 18
Unarmed +12 Close, Damage 2
Martial Strike +15 Close, Damage 4
Shaped Charge Key +11 Ranged, Damage 9, critical 18-20
Key Shuriken +15 Ranged, Damage 5, critical 16-20
other keys -- Ranged, varies
+11 |
Agile Feint
Beginner's Luck
Benefit 2 (CoJ,
Athletics uses Agility)
Defensive Attack
Defensive Roll 2
Equipment 6
Evasion 1
Favored Foe(Fences)
Great Endurance
Hide in Plain Sight
Improved Defense
Improved Initiative
Improved Trip
Luck 3
Power Attack
Precise Attack
(Ranged: Cover)
Quick Draw
Ranged Attack 3
Set-Up 1
Skill Mastery(Locks)
Uncanny Dodge
Improved Critical 4
(16-20) w/Key Shuriken
Improved Critical 2
(18-20) w/Shaped Charge
Advantages Cost: 40
Acrobatics 8 8 --
Athletics 8 8 --
Close Combat 11 11 --
Unarmed 13 11 2
Martial Arts 15 13/2 --
Deception 8/10 2/2 6
Expertise Locks/Security 10 4 6
Underworld 5 4 1
Burglary 10 4 6
Parahumans 10 4 6
Insight 6 3 3
Intimidation 4 2 2
Investigation 4 4 --
Perception 3/7 3/4 --
Persuasion 8/10 2/2 6
Ranged Combat 8 5/3 --
Thrown Keys 11 5/3 3
Key Shuriken 15 5/8 2
Sleight of Hand 10 7 3
Stealth 10 8 2
Technology 10 4 6
Treatment 4 4 --
Vehicles 5 5 --
Skills Cost: 28
Fast Worker: Speed 1, Quickness 1 2
Martial Strike: STR-based Damage 2, Accurate 3
Back at Peak: Enhanced Traits 4 (+1 Agility, +1 Fighting, +1 Defensive Roll, 6
+2 Ranged Combat: Thrown Keys) - Not currently active due to retirement
Powers Cost: 11
Stealth Suit: Visual Concealment 4, all; Protection 1 8 14
Impervious Toughness 5 (ignores 3) 6
Clearview Goggles: Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision, Infravision, Extended 6
Vision 1); Immunity (Sight Sensory Afflictions) ½ Effect;
Enhanced Skills (Perception 4) only w/sight
Keychain Array: Removable(-1) 5
AE Snag & Pull: Move Object 4, only in certain paths and directions 4
AE Decel Swingline: Movement (Swinging, Safe Fall) 1
AE Jump Line: Leaping 4 (120 Ft.) 1
Key Bandoleer Array: Removable 19
AE Explosive Key: Ranged Damage 7, Burst, Diminished Range 1 20
AE Shaped Charge Key: Ranged Damage 9, Diminished Range 1, 1
Improved Critical 2
AE Key Shuriken: STR-based Damage 3, Ranged 5, Multiattack 5, Precise, 1
Accurate 2, Ricochet 2, Diminished Range 1, Improved Critical 4
AE Key Shuriken - widespread: STR-based Damage 3, Area Cone x 2 5, 1
Selective 5
AE Tear Gas Key: Ranged Affliction 5, Extra Condition, Cloud, (Dazed 1
and Visually Impared, Stunned and Visually Disabled,
Incapacitated), Diminished Range 1
Devices Cost: 44
Total Cost: 217
Base Points: 176
ExP Spent: 41 Experience Points Total: 42
Total Points: 217
Convicted Felon - Harrison has served his time for crimes committed while working for Locksmith.
Mistaken Identity - People mistake him for Garreth Stone, the new Keymaster.
Relationship - Harrison is protective of his protoge Garreth.
Enemy - Locksmith holds the traitor Harrison in deep disdain.
Out of Practice - Having tried to retire and pass the torch to Garreth, Harrison is no longer at his peak. It would take time and practice to get the Back at Peak effects back.
Responsibility - Harrison feels the need to make ammends for his days as a criminal and police the superhuman population to make sure they don't abuse their powers.
HOMEBASE : Milwaukee, WI, USA
SIZE : Medium
OWNER : Keymaster I
Riding 6
120 MPH
Two-Tired: Speed 6 6
Features: Alarm, Navigation Sytem 2
Total Points: 12
Known Background: Keymaster began his career as a costumed criminal in the late 1960’s. As a super-thief he ran into conflicts with the Legion of Champions and other costumed heroes of the day. He started out his career as an accomplice of the criminal mastermind known only as the Locksmith. After five years bouncing in and out of prison, and a ten year stay in the Pennsylvania Incarceration Taskforce Center, he was paroled; however, he returned to his life of crime. The original Guardian returned him to the Pit for another ten years. During this stay Harrison Lambert, Keymaster, made a very real effort to go straight. He studied philosophy in the prison library, as well as learning how to make a legal living with his natural skills. He made himself a better man. Then the day came when it was time for him to be released. After receiving his release, to prove a point, he left the prison by an unorthodox route. He showed the Taskforce one of the ways a man could escape. He relocated to Milwaukee, where he gained employment with Smart Securities, Inc. The boss chose to believe in his reformation, and recognised the usefulness of having an employee who looks at security systems with the trained eye of a professional thief. It was shortly thereafter that Lambert encountered the Champions of Justice, while on assignment. He still carried his old equipment, and chose to use it to help. He impressed the Champions of Justice enough that he became an active member for a time. But he was now an older man, and he felt out of place. He took on a protege, another recently released convict, and son of an old cellmate. In time, Harrison retired, and let his protege take over the role of Keymaster.
Personality: Keymaster alternates between awe and being jaded at his life as a super hero. He was at once both a rookie, and an old veteran. He enjoys being one of the "good guys". He feels he is now atoning for his past crimes, as opposed to being punished for them. He is friendly, with a quirky sense of humour, but he feels odd among today’s heroes. They make him feel old. He still has to fight the occasional temptation to slip back into being a thief.
Powers/Tactics: Keymaster has no true super powers. His agility and reflexes, however, were once at peak levels. For his age, he is also immensely strong. He is practiced in both Tai Chi and the form of dirty in-fighting that is used by prison inmates everywhere. He was a superb cat burglar. Today, as a hero he still prefers to move in stealthily and catch his opponent unaware. He carries a variety of special weaponry. His uniform is inlaid with circuitry that renders him invisible to cameras and other electronic seeing devices. He carries a variety of throwing weapons, shaped like keys. They are actually grenades and throwing blades. He also wields his keychain; a wrist mounted grappling hook/fine chain/winch weapon that he uses for climbing or ensnaring enemies.
Appearance: Harrison Lambert is 5’10 and weighs 170 lb. He is a well built man in his late fifties, but he appears a bit older. His brown hair has greyed. His eyes are also grey. He has an old scar from a knife wound on his left cheek. His uniform is a black bodysuit with green trim and steel gauntlets. A gold coloured bandoleer carries his throwing keys.
Keymaster was created by Doug Zeitlin and Ken Hallaron; he was played by Jason Hobbs, but is once again an NPC.
© Copyright 1997, 2024 - Kenneth G. Hallaron, Jason D.C. Hobbs, Douglas S. Zeitlin
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Last updated on 20 May 2023