NAME : Dr. Alexandra "Alex" Green, PhD IDENTITY : Not Secret OPERATIONS : San Francisco, CA, USA POWER LEVEL : 11 PLAYER : Neil Lindgren

Abilities Cost: 74
 Lifting STR 4
800 lbs.

Running 10/17
2000 mph or
250,000 mph

every 2 rounds

* - without
Defensive Roll
** - Defensive

Defense Cost: 26

Fist Flurry
+14 Close, Damage 8, Multiattack 8, Crit. 17-20 Hyperpunch +14 Close, Damage 8, Penetrating 8, Crit. 17-20 Deflect Redirect +12 Ranged, Variable Damage


Acrobatics 2 2 -- Athletics 4 4 -- Unarmed Combat 14 6/8 -- Deception 4/6 4/2 -- Expertise
Medicine 15 8 7 Science 15 8 7 Magic 9 8 1 Supernatural
Creatures 9 8 1 Insight 5 4 1

Intimidation 5 3 -- Investigation 8 8 -- Perception 8 4 4 Persuasion 6/8 4/2 2 Ranged Combat 6 6 -- Sleight of Hand 6 6 -- Stealth 6 2 4 Technology 11 8 3 Treatment 15 8 7 Vehicles 8 6 2
Skills Cost: 20

All-Out Attack Artificer Attractive Benefit 3 (Wealth 3) Close Attack 8 Defensive Roll 2 Diehard

Equipment 6 Evasion Improved Initiative 5+2 Instant Up Inventor Jack of All Trades Move-By Action

Language 3 (Spanish, Greek, Latin, German) Power Attack Ritualist Takedown Teamwork Uncanny Dodge
Advantages Cost: 41

Hypermetabolism: Quickness 7; Speed 10; Immunity to Disease & Aging; 34 Movement 5 (Safefall, Wall-crawling 2, Water-walking 1, Surefooted 1); Regeneration 5 (+1 Toughness every other round) Micro-Vibes: Invulnerability (Cold) 1 Speed Aura: Immunity 1 (Speed Effects), Usable on Self and Others, 3 Subtle Her Mind Races: Enhanced Will 4, limited Defensive only 2 Speed Lightning: Feature 1, only and always when within 30' of 2nd 0 chaos speedster, and both using powers or Speed 13+ Sped-Up: Enhanced Traits 10 (+2 Fighting, +2 Dodge, +1 Awareness, 10 +2 Improved Initiative) Global Translator: Comprehend 3 (Speak, Read & Understand All), 3 Must be exposed to language for a few moments before being able to use Super Speed: Variable 3, Free Move 32 Hyperpunch: STR-based Damage 4, Penetration 8 (STR+Damage), [15] Improved Critical 3 (Hyperpunch) Fist Flurry: STR-based Damage 4, Multiattack 8 (STR+Damage), [15] Improved Critical 3 (Fist Flurry) Superspeed Catch & Throw: Deflect 14, Reflect & Redirect, [14] Reduced Range (close), Only vs physical attacks Hyperspeed Quickness +7, Speed +7, Improved Initiative 1 [15] Wet T-Shirt: Swimming 15 [15]
Powers Cost: 85
Devices Cost: 0
Total Cost: 246
Base Points: 176 ExP Spent: 70 Experience Points Total: 72 Total Points: 246

Goggles: +5 vs Visual Dazzle 1 Multitool 1 International Savantphone 2 Pacific Coast Parahumans Communicator 1 Enchanted peace sign necklace B.A.D.A.S.S. Communicator 2 Contribution to the Sanctuary and vehicles 19 1966 Volkswagen Type 2 "Hippie Van" 1 Red 1995 Porche 993 Turbo 1
Speedstress Complications:
Distinctive Features - Due to Alex's increased metabolism, her hair grows at an excellerated rate of an inch per hour. If she doesn't cut it regularly, it grows to extreme lengths, which can potentially cause tripping (and not the kind that she likes) and makes her easier to grab.
Responsibility - Speedstress is motivated to be a hero to do good for people and right wrongs. Her methods for accomplishing this has put her on the wrong side of the law in the past.
Your Past Catches Up To You, no Matter How Fast You Are - On rare occasions, Speedstress has LSD flashbacks due to her use of the drug during the '60s.
Fasttrack when with just the PCP A Muggle at Hogwarts - Alex is trying to understand and learn magic, despite being "muggle-born." It is not going well.
Pet-Owner - Alexandra Green has had the same pet rabbit, Speedy the Wonder Bunny, for thirty-plus years. She's very attached.
Estranged Family - Alexandra was once married with children, but she left them behind for her first love... science. Now, decades later, she has been gradually trying to reconnect with her kids and grandchildren. The work is slow, especially with her eldest, but her time with the PCP has taught her that family matters.
Strange Taste In Men - Alexandra's curiosity of the strange and unknown carries over into her relationships as well. While he was on the team, she was drawn to Quadtron until he made it quite clear that it freaked him out. Now she's involved with Pallequin.
Police Record - Speedstress is watched by local and federal law enforcement agencies due to crimes committed, but is currently operating under clemency due to her cooperation with the Frisco Freax/Pacific Coast Paranormals.

Appearance: Alex is attractive with very long blonde hair and blue eyes and prefers to wear "hippie chick"-style clothing. She is 5'9" and 116 lbs.

Speedstress, now Fasttrack, was created, designed and played by Neil Lindgren.

© Copyright 1988, 2024 - Neil R. Lindgren

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Last updated on 12 May 2024