
NAME : "Tiffani Dempsey" IDENTITY : Secret OPERATIONS : San Francisco, CA, USA POWER LEVEL : 11 PLAYER : Neil Lindgren

Abilities Cost: 20
 Lifting STR 6 
3200 lbs.

 Running 4 
30 mph

 Flight 6
16-120 mph

 ignores up to 3 

every round
(must feed)

* - without
Defensive Roll

Defense Cost: 10

+13 Close, Damage 6 Claws +14 Close, Damage 8, Crit. 19-20 Silver Sword +13 Close, Damage 9, Crit. 16-20 Stakes +15 Close, Damage 7, Crit. 18-20 Crossbow +17 Ranged, Damage 5, Crit. 19-20


Animal Empathy Benefit (Alt. ID: Tiffany Stacy Stokes) Close Attack 5 Connected Contacts Defensive Roll 2 Equipment8

Evasion 1 Fascinate (Deception) Improved Critical 8 (Stakes: 18-20, Sword: 16-20 Claws & Crossbow: 19-20) Improved Grab Improved Hold Improvisation 1 Jack-Of-All-Trades

Lionheart Luck 1 Move-by Action Power Attack Ranged Attack 4 Startle Attractive Improved Initiative 2
Advantages Cost: 34
Notes: Tiffani is capable of the Vampire bite and siring, but as she eschews their use, they are, for her, Power Stunts.

Acrobatics 4 2 2 Athletics 6 6 -- Close Combat 13 8/5 -- Claws 14 8/5 1 Stakes 15 8/5 2 Deception 8/10 2/2 6 Expertise
Supernatural 7 1 6 Insight 3 3 -- Intimidation 6 2 4

Investigation 5 1 4 Perception 4/10 4 -- Persuasion 8/10 2/2 6 Ranged Combat 4 0/4 -- Crossbow 17 0/6 11 Sleight of Hand 1 0 1 Stealth 9 2 7 Technology 1 1 -- Treatment 1 1 -- Vehicles 2 0 2
Skills Cost: 26

Polymorph Array 32 AE Humanoid Form: Claws: STR-based Damage 2, Improved Critical; 30 Enhanced Traits 24 (STR +4, Fighting +4, Dodge +4, Toughness +4) Enhanced Advantages 3 (Attractive 1, Improved Initiative 2) AE Creatures of the Night: Variable 5, Move Action, Only to shapeshift 1 into animals, from tradtional list of 'creatures of the night': bats, rats, wolves, black cats, black sheep, ravens, snakes AE Form of Mist: Environment 1 (Visibility -5; 30' radius); Partial 1 Concealment 4 (All Visual Senses); Concealment 4 (All Aural and Offactory Senses); Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous, Free Action); Supernatural Movement Array 7 AE Ground and Walls: Speed 4; Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) 6 AE Flight: Flight 6 1 Undead Invulnerability: Immortality 8 (Return after 4 hour, not 44 when staked or beheaded); Regeneration 5 (must have fed); Impervious Toughness 5; Protection 5; Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects) Vampire Senses: Enhanced Perception 4 (Limited to Sight, Not in 4 bright Light), Senses 3 (Darkvision, Extended Hearing 1) Unique Powers 11 AE Clouding the Mind: Concealment 10 (All Senses), Resistible: Will 10 AE Mist Jump: Teleport 1, Accurate, Change Direction & Velocity, 1 Subtle 2, Limited (Can't teleport into airtight areas)
Powers Cost: 98
Devices Cost: 0
Total Cost: 188
Base Points: 176 ExP Spent: 12 Experience Points Total: 13 Total Points: 188

Weapons Pool 15 Wooden Stakes: STR-based Damage 1, Improved Critical 2 3 Heavy Crossbow: Ranged Damage 5, Accurate 1, Improved 13 Critical 1, Variable Descriptor (Assorted Substances in Bolt Tips) Silvered Sword: STR-based Damage 3, Improved Critical 4, Feature 3 Magic Crucifix B.A.D.A.S.S. Communicator 2 Contribution to the Sanctuary and vehicles 19
Addiction - Much like humans are "addicted" to food and water, so it is for vampires needing blood.
Enemy - Tiffani despises Baroness Bale for transforming her into a monster, as well as Chakana for what she did to her "family".
False Youth - While Tiffani appears to still be a fifteen year old teen (the age she was when turned), she is actually in her twenties. This dyconomy can cause problems.
Monstrous - While Polymorph vamps are monsters, they hide it better than most. When they "vamp out," the only difference in appearance is that their canine teeth extend by a half inch.
Self-Loathing - Due to what happened to her father and halfsister, Tiffani has a deep hatred for all vampires and wants them destroyed. After being transformed into one herself, she has a bit of a self-destructive nature.
Vulnerability - Besides burning in sunlight, attacks with solar energy descriptors or silver descriptors get +5 effect against vampires.
Weakness - If staked through the heart (via a successful called or critical shot or obtaining a "yellow" level damage) with a sharp wooden object, polymorph vampires become paralized until it is removed.


Known Background: Tiffani's life has been a rough one. Born and raised by a single mother, she had to face the harsh reality of death at an early age when her mom was killed in a freak car accident when Tiffani was only thirteen. She spent several months in the foster care system until her birth father was found and, after a great deal of negotiating, took her in to live with his then-girlfriend and her 10-year-old daughter. Tiffani didn't see much of Bert, but she tried her best to adjust to her new life.

Two years later, another catastrophe hit. Her step-sister was attacked by a vampire named Chakana. While Tiffani didn't see the attack, she was witness to the devastation when she got home to find Suzanne's mom (she couldn't bring herself to even call her "step-mom") lying on the kitchen floor, drained of blood. There was evidence of a struggle and other people's blood. After time, she learned that Suzanne had been turned, returned home to kill her mother and turn Bert, who was also a sciuridthrope (a were-squirrel).

Faced with the chance of going back into the system again, Tiffani ran away, eventually encountering a monster-hunter named Helsing and his crew. Convincing him to train her to become a vampire hunter, she joined his team of Slayers for two years until their trip to Paris.

They were in the middle of a battle with a vampire nest when one took off running and Tiffani gave chase. What she didn't know was that their mistress, Baroness Bale, was lying in wait and struck without warning. The next day, Tiffani found herself once again abandoned and alone, only this time as one of the undead herself. Understanding that, if she returned to Helsing, he would kill her, she took off to continue the mission on her own.

A few months later, Tiffani encountered a vampire named Alexander. In luring him in, she learned that he was on his way to join a much more powerful vampire, but not either of the ones she was looking for. When she was ready to dispatch him, though, he offered her a bargain: he would teach her his clan's ability to cloud people's minds so they couldn't see her in exchange for his freedom. While she was hesitant to take the offer at first, she saw the advantage it would give her and accepted. A year later, she learned that she wouldn't have to worry about keeping her end of the bargain again as he was killed by another group of monster hunters, as well as his master.

Tiffani eventually made her way north and set up a home base in Bellingham, Washington, when she wasn't on the road looking for monsters to kill. She continues the good fight, using contacts that she has made along the way with butchers and the like to sedate her thirst for blood without having to kill, longing for the day that her mission is complete and she can end the vampire race once and for all.

Tiffani the Vampire.... Hunter was created, designed and played by Neil Lindgren.

© Copyright 1998, 2024 - Neil R. Lindgren

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Last updated on 30 June 2024