Champions of Justice

NAME : Leilah Lindstrom / Linda Conan IDENTITY : Secret / Public OPERATIONS : Boulder, CO, USA POWER LEVEL : 13 PLAYER : Neil Lindgren

Abilities Cost: 94

Lifting STR 10 25 tons Flight 9 1000 MPH Swimming 5 16 mph Impervious ignores up to 7

* - w/out Electroshield ** - w/out Electrofield

DODGE (AGL) 10*/12 (DC 22) PARRY (FGT) 10*/12 (DC 22) FORTITUDE(STA) 14 TOUGHNESS(STA) 14/8** WILL (AWE) 12
Defense Cost: 20

+11 Close, Damage 10 Electric Fists +11 Close, Damage 15 Taser Touch +11 Close, Affliction 10 Electric Manipulation +11 Ranged, Damage 15 or varies


Acrobatics 8 6 2 Athletics 10 10 -- Unarmed Combat 11 9 2 Taser Touch 11 9 2 Deception 6/8 5/2 1 Expertise
Fashion 11 4 7 Perform Music 11 5 6 Artwork 5 4 1 Dance 7 4 3 Insight 7 3 4

Intimidation 5 5 -- Investigation 5 4 1 Perception 7 3 4 Persuasion 10/12 5/2 5 Ranged Combat 2 2 -- Electropowers 11 2 9 Sleight of Hand 5 2 3 Stealth 10 6 4 Technology 7 4 3 Treatment 5 4 1 Vehicles 4 2 2
Skills Cost: 30

Accurate Attack Assessment Attractive Benefit 2 (CoJ, Alternate ID) Beginner's Luck Defensive Attack

Disarming 2 Equipment 3 Great Endurance Improved Disarm Improved Trip Interpose Languages 2 (French, Spanish) [English]

Lionheart Luck 1 Power Attack Teamwork Ultimate Effort 3 (Perform Music, Insight, Toughness)
Advantages Cost: 25

Electrical Absorption: Immunity to Electricity, ½ Effect 5 Electrofield: Protection 6, Impervious Toughness 6, Sustained, Affects 30 Others and Self, Perception Range Electroshield: Enhanced Dodge 2, Parry 2, Sustained 4 Electromagnetic Waveriding: Flight 9 18 Electrosense: Senses 10 - Detect Electromagnetism with Accurate, 11 Acute, Extended, Penetrates Concealment, and Direction Sense Electromagnetic Manipulation: Variable 9, 45 pts. to manipulate, 72 Free Action, Electric/Magnetic effects only Lightning Bolt: Ranged Damage 15, Extended Range, Precise Ball Lightning: Ranged Damage 13, Burst, 6 ft. Radius Tesla Strike: Ranged Damage 13, Cone Area, Selective Electrostatic Touch: STR-based Damage 3 Taser Touch: Affliction 10, Resisted by Fortitude (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) Lightning Deflection: Deflect 12 Electrostatic Telekenisis: Move Object 10, Sustained Life Support: Immunity (Radiation, Heat, Aging, Cold, Sleep, Disease, 7 All Suffocation) Quirk: Not 100% immune Thick Skin: Impervious Toughness 2 plus Impervious Toughnes 6, only vs. Energy 5 Great Swimmer: Swimming 5 (Speed 3) 5
Powers Cost: 157
Devices Cost: 0
Total Cost: 326
Base Points: 208 ExP Spent: 118 Experience Points Total: 131 Total Points: 326

Blue Goggles: Night Vision, Immune to visual dazzles 4 Purse 1 CoJ Communicator COJ-043 2 Contribution to CoJ Bases and CoJ Vehicles 8
Of Two Minds - Ampere enjoys helping people, and wants and tries very hard to be a bright, shiny, respected heroine. However, she is often betrayed by her temper. This can lead to frustration between who she is and who she wants to be.
Relationships - Linda's birth father is the supervillain Power Surge. Her mother died when Linda was very young, leaving her to be raised as an orphan. When she joined the Crusaders, she was befriended by Sylvia and became very protective of her new-found family, the Breiés. To this day, she is very close to Charolette. She has also recently reconnected with her mother's family, The Langleys. Even more recently, she has married Long-time teammate and friend Megaman, and they are expecting their first child.
5 foot even in 3 inch heels - Ampere's slow aging and short stature make her look seventeen instead of 26.

Ampere, once upon a time Known Background: Linda Carlson was a fourteen year old superpowered orphan when she joined the Crusaders thirteen years ago after she, Tammy Cook (the then-future Fantastic Girl) and John Lopez (the then-future Enforcer Inviso) were defeated by them during their first outing as superpowered street toughs. After joining, Linda took the codename Ampere and was a useful, though sometimes overlooked, member of the Crusaders for the next few years. After Havok decimated the team, the remaining Crusaders only stayed together a short time. She was unofficially adopted by the family of her Crusader teammates la Chatte Noire and la Puma, and she went to live with the Breié family in Montreal for most of the next several years. Linda relocated to Denver for when she and la Chatte joined the New Crusaders. She stayed in Colorado for a time (including when Annette tried forming the Knights of Justice.) But she did return to Montreal and her foster family. In recent years she has kept a relatively low profile as a local Montreal hero until recently when she joined the Champions of Justice after the Saracen incident. She is planning on moving back to Denver where she plans to attend college and superhero on the side. Due to the Villain making Ampere's real name, Linda Carlson, a matter of public record; she has adopted a new civilian identity: Leilah Lindstrom. She and long-time friend Megaman have begun a romantic relationship.

Personality: Ampere is a complicated young woman. On the one hand she is responsible and idealistic and believes in helping other people out as much as she can, despite the inconvenience or danger to herself. She feels that being a superhero is what she was born to do, and she feels very happy when she uses her parahuman abilities to do help people. She tries hard to keep an upbeat outlook. However, harsh life experiences have created a cynical undercurrent to her personality. Hence sometimes she may be pessimistic and sarcastic. She is quite temperamental, and her anger is explosive - loud not violent. But she is also quick to apologise when she is angered wrongly. She wants to be a pleasant and friendly person who gets along with everyone.
Powers/Tactics: Ampere's body is superstrong, tough, and has excellent endurance. Her electrical powers give her a wide range of abilities, including high-speed flight, a good selection of ranged and speciallized attacks, and an extendable force field to bolster her own defenses and the defenses of others as well. Her electrosense allows her to easily detect many invisible targets and those behind obstacles in a 360 degree arc. She is an excellent hand to hand fighter, having combined street fighting techniques with savate into her own unique fighting style. She will act to protect bystanders before directly engaging a foe. This tendency sometimes will outweigh her normal preference to utelise her electrical projection abilities instead of her hand-to-hand skills.

Appearance: Linda is cute and petite, being 4' 9", weighing 100 lbs., and having a body like a gymnist's. Her hair is very long, neatly trimmed and dark brown. Her light grey eyes are concealed behind blue goggles. In costume she looks more like a teenage girl wearing a costume than an actual twenty-four year old, highly competent superheroine, leading many to underestimate her.

Ampere in her stealth outfit

As Ampere, she most often wears a white leotard and skirt with her light blue lightning bolt-'A' symbol on her chest, along with light blue boots, gloves, waist sash, and cape held on with a metallic brooch with the Ampere symbol on it. A similar pin decorates a matching beret. She has a black body stocking she will wear for night and stealth missions (or as the mood strikes her.) Or she may just wear the goggles, beret and brooch with her street clothes if the mood strikes her.

Ampere was created, designed and played by Neil Lindgren.

© Copyright 1989, 2024 - Neil R. Lindgren

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Last updated on 26 May 2024