Champions of Mysteria

NAME : Princess Randi Roanoke IDENTITY : Public OPERATIONS : Mount Zeein, New Avalon, Mysteria POWER LEVEL : 9 PLAYER :
NPC, was Jim "Randi" Mills

Abilities Cost: 54

Lifting STR 5 1600 lbs. Flight 4 30 MPH Running 2 8 mph

* - without
Defensive Roll

DODGE (AGL) 9/10 (DC 19) PARRY (FGT) 9/10 (DC 19) FORTITUDE(STA) 5/3 TOUGHNESS(STA) 9/8* 7/6* WILL (AWE) 4
Defense Cost: 3

+11 Close, Damage 5 Hooved Kick +11 Close, Damage 7 Firebolt +10 Ranged, Damage 8


Agile Feint Artificer Attractive Benefit 2 (Status: Centaur Princess, Athletics uses Agility)

Beginner's Luck Defensive Roll Equipment 1 Evasion Improved Critical 1 (Hooves, 19-20)

Great Endurance Improved Trip Language 3 [Centauri] (English, Goblin, Mirish) Move-By Action Ritualist
Advantages Cost: 16 Notes:

Acrobatics 9 8 1 Athletics 8 8 -- Unarmed Combat 11 9 2 Deception 6/8 1/2 5 Expertise
Magic 4 2 2 Survival 4 2 2 Goblin Culture 4 2 2 Insight 4 4 -- Intimidation 7 1/1 5

Investigation -- 2 -- Perception 4 4 -- Persuasion 6/8 1/2 5 Ranged Combat
Magic 10 1 9 Sleight of Hand -- 1 -- Stealth 6 8/-2 -- Technology -- 2 -- Treatment 3 2 1 Vehicles -- 1 --
Skills Cost: 17

Centaur Senses: Senses 4 (Ranged Detect Magic 2, Low-Light Vision, 4 Tracking Smell 1) Fast Runner: Speed 2 2 Polymorphic Winged Centaur Array 23 AE Centaur with Wings: Extra Limbs 4, Hooves (STR-based 22 Damage 2, multiattack), Growth 2, Flight 4 AE Human or Goblin: Morph 2, Narrow Group (+20 to Deception) 1 Human Hands: Enhanced Dexterity 4, Limited (Only with true hands) 4 Looks Human or Goblin Array 2 AE Pretty Human: Advantage (Attractive) 1 AE Ugly Goblin: Advantage (Startle) 1 Thick Hide: Protection 3 3 Magic Spells Array 18 AE Firebolt: Ranged Damage 8 16 AE Invisibility: Concealment 8 (All Aural, Olfactory & Visual) 1 AE Simple Healing: Healing 8 1
Powers Cost: 56
Devices Cost: 0 Total Cost: 146 Base Points: 144 ExP Spent: 2 Experience Points Total: 4 Total Points: 146 Equipment:

Enchanted Commlink 2 contribution to Champions of Mysteria Tower 3
Names Have Power In Magic - Using a person's full name is evidence of a level of personal knowledge, and knowledge is power. If a mage uses a person's given name in conjunction with a spell, it will have a stronger effect, depending on how intimate that knowledge is. This is why most magic-users keep their identities a closely-guarded secret. If the mage has read the full name somewhere (personal records, internet, etc.), the attack gains a +2 effect. If they have heard the full name spoken, they get a +5. And if they have heard the person speak the name from their own mouth, +10 effect is applied.
Responsibility - Randi is the princess of the Centauri society of Mysteria. As such, she has a duty to protect her people and serve their needs.
Prejudice - As her people were actively hunted by the Dulling Mire warlocks, she is constantly working to bridge the gap between her people and the humans.
Relationships - Randi is in an on-again, off-again romance with Ravenclaw.

Randi Roanoke was created, designed and played by Jim "Randi" Mills. She is now an NPC.

© Copyright 2003, 2024 - James K. Mills, James E. Caswell

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Last updated on 31 August 2024