villains of the RCU

NAME : Peter McMurphy IDENTITY : Public OPERATIONS : mobile (Time Stream) POWER LEVEL : 14 PLAYER :
non-player character
Peter McMurphy: Chrono Angel Hair Pasta

Abilities Cost: 44
Lifting STR 13 200 tons Running 7 250 mph Impervious ignores up to 5 Critical Immunity (head)

Defense Cost: 14

+11 Close, Damage 13 Shield +11 Close, Damage 17 Shield Blaster +17 Ranged, Damage 10, Penatrating 3


All-Out Attack Assessment Chokehold Contacts Defensive Attack

Extraordinary Effort Improved Defense Improved Disarm Improved Initiative Improved Smash

Interpose Language (Spanish) Lionheart Quick Draw Ranged Attack 3
Advantages Cost: 17 Notes:

Acrobatics 6 6 -- Athletics 13 13 -- Unarmed Combat 11 8 3 Shield 11 8/2 1 Deception 10 4 6 Expertise
Streetwise 7 6 1 Police Officer 7 6 1 Tactics 10 6 4 Insight 4 4 -- Intimidation 10 4 6

Investigation 12 6 6 Perception 8 4 4 Persuasion 10 4 6 Ranged Combat 6 3/3 -- Shield Blaster 13 3/3 7 Sleight of Hand -- 3 -- Stealth 8 6 2 Technology 10 6 4 Treatment -- 6 -- Vehicles 4 3 1
Skills Cost: 26
Powers Cost: 0

Cybernetic Exoskeleton: Enhanced Strength 12, Enhanced Agility 8 40 Powered Armor: Protection 10, Impervious Toughness 10 (ignores 5) 20 Leg Servos: Speed 7 7 Helmet: Immunity (Critical Hits, Dazzle vs. Fort.), Senses 2 9 (Low-Light Vision, Extended) Transformer Armor: Morph 1 (armor to wheelchair & back) 5 Chrono-Seals: Immunity (Life Support, Aging) 11 Chrono-Field: Protection 4 4 Chrono-Transport Array 30 AE Space Transport: Transport 8, Accurate, Change Direction, 29 Change Velocity, Extra Mass 3 AE Time & Dimensional Transport: Movement 5(Time Travel 3 1 Dimension Travel 2) Chrono-Electric Shield Array 27 AE Shield Blast: Ranged Damage 10, Penetrating 3, Accurate 2 25 AE Shield Bash & Carry: 1 Carry: Enhanced Defenses (+3 Dodge, +3 Parry, +3 Toughness; Bash: STR-based Damage 4; Accurate 1
Devices Cost: 149 Total Cost: 250 Base Points: 224 ExP Spent: 26 Experience Points Total: 4 Total Points: 250 Equipment:
Parapalegic - When outside of his armor, Peter is crippled from the waist down and needs a wheelchair to move around.
Relationships - Peter still loves his deceased wife Wanda (his first true love) and will do anything to save her from dying.
Revenge - Peter has a deep-seated desire to see Captain Zero destroyed and will do anything to see that happen.
Man against Nature - The two versions of Timefire (Peter and Wanda) are unable to exist at the same moment in the same timeline.
Wanted - Timefire is wanted by temporal law enforcement agencies.

Known Background: Peter McMurphy's love for his wife was eternal. Even after she was killed in the battle between Captain Zero and associates of the Champions of Justice, he continued to pine for her through his days as a super hero and into old age. It is not until several years from present day that a cure for his broken heart was discovered. His long time teammate and confidante Doctor Technon created a suit of armor that was capable of time travel. Defying the wishes of the creator and insistence of his allies, McMurphy stole the armor and traveled back in time to stop her death.

Knowing the cause and effect theories of time travel, he had dedicated himself to trying to only make a minor change by arranging his younger self to take the brunt of the damage. His wife would still be seriously hurt, but she would survive and the timeline would be held together. Instead, all that occurred was that his younger self was able to hold his dying wife and say his final good-byes. While it took a good deal of time, Peter McMurphy was able to eventually move on, bury his wounds and fall in love again.

The timeline as a whole was left in tact, but McMurphy's personal future was shattered. With his own future changed significantly, the man found himself without a future, stranded in the time-stream. His mind (already bordering on the precipice) snapped completely. He eventually concluded that it was not just Captain Zero's fault that his wife died, but also the Champions of Justice. Now, with a new way of bringing back his wife, he has dedicated himself to stopping his former teammates from ever coming together.

Timefire was created and designed by Jim Caswell and Ken Hallaron. He is an NPC.

© Copyright 1999, 2024 - James E. Caswell, Kenneth G. Hallaron

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Last updated on 1 June 2024