The C.A.I.D. (Chrono Amplification / Incapacitation Device) 62
Array: Removable
AE Universal Time Stop: STR-based Damage 4, multiattack, 74
Quickness 8, Speed 13, Movement 2 (Sure-Footed,
Water-Walking 1), Enhanced Defenses (+9 Dodge, +9 Parry),
Enhanced Advantages (In Italics on Advantages List)
AE Shared Universal Time Stop: Affects Others on Quickness 4, 1
Speed 9, and Enhanced Trait 24 (+6 Dodge, +6 Parry,
Close Attack 3, Defensive Roll, Evasion, Improved
Initiative 4, Move-By Action, Takedown 2)
AE Individual Time Stop: Ranged Cone Area Affiction 10, 1
Resisted by FORT and Initiative, Sustained, Instant
Recovery (Hindered, Immobile, Paralyzed)
AE Left in Stopped Time: Concealment 10 (All Senses), 1
Insubstantial 4 (Incorporial), Attack, Affects
Others Only, Sustained, Permanent