NAME : Ailean Ghlasglanan-Adams
PLAYER : NPC, was Sandy Hover
Abilities Cost: 26
Lifting STR 1
100 lbs.
Flight 7
250 mph
DODGE (AGL) 13 (DC 23)
PARRY (FGT) 13 (DC 23)
Defense Cost: 11
Banshee's Wail +12 Ranged, Affliction 12, Critcal (18-20)
Direct Blast +12 Ranged, Damage 12, Critcal (18-20)
Sonic Blasts -- Close, various areas, Damage 12
Resonation Blast +4 Ranged Damage 20, Critcal (16-20)
Acrobatics 5 4 1
Athletics 1 1 --
Unarmed Combat 2 2 --
Deception 10/15 5/5 5
Expertise Modeling (PRE) 10 5 5
Insight 8 3 5
Intimidation 8 5 3
Investigation -- 2 --
Perception 8 3 5
Persuasion 10/15 5/5 5
Ranged Combat Wail 12 1 11
Sleight of Hand -- 1 --
Stealth 10 4 6
Technology 4 2 2
Treatment 4 2 2
Vehicles -- 1 --
Skills Cost: 25
All-Out Attack
Attractive 2
Benefit 5 (Wealth 3,
CoJ, Fashion Model)
Fascinate 3 (Deception,
Persuasion, Modeling)
Equipment 2
Improved Critical 2
(Banshee's Wail 18-20)
Languages 2 [English]
(French, Gaelic)
Skill Mastery (Wail)
Accurate Attack
Hide In Plain Sight
Move-By Action
Instant Up
Advantages Cost: 20
Banshee's Sight: Senses 9 (Precognition, Extended 5 [x100,000]), 5
Uncontrolled, limited: only of the someone's imminent death
Alive or Dead Array 45
AE Banshee: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects); Protection 11, Subtle; 44
Immortality 1
AE Ailean: Enhanced Traits (Stamina +8, Fortitude +3) (Bought up 1
from -5 STA, Ailean has 3 STA, 3 TOU, and 6 Fortitude)
Banshee's Power Array 41
AE Wail Attack: Close Affliction 9, Selective Perception Area, Affects 36
Corporeal 9, Vs. Fortitude (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)
AE Direct Blast: Ranged Damage 12, Affects Corporeal 12 1
AE Conical Blast: Damage 12, Area Cone, Close, Affects Corporeal 12 1
AE Area Blast: Damage 12, Burst Area, Close, Affects Corporeal 12 1
AE Direct Attack: Ranged Affliction 12 vs Fortitude (Dazed, 1
Stunned, Incapacitated), Affects Corporeal 12
AE Resonation Blast: Ranged Damage 20, Inaccurate 4, Diminished 1
Range 2 (100'/200'/500'), Improved Critical 2
AE Appear Suddenly: Teleport 16, Accurate, Change Direction & Speed, 1
Limited Only to Precognition Target's Location
Ghost Touch: Affects Corporeal on Strength 1 1
Ghostly Form: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal), Reaction, Continuous 28
Ghostly Form Benefits: Enhanced Traits 18 (Dodge 6, Parry 6, Will 6); 24
Enhanced Advantages 6 (See Italics in Advantages)
Ghost Float: Flight 7; Movement 4 (Safe Fall, Trackless, Water-Walking 2) 22
Powers Cost: 167
Total Cost: 249
Base Points: 192
ExP Spent: 57 Experience Points Total: 57
Total Points: 249
Responsibility - Banshee has visions of imminent death and feels obliged to try to prevent it.
Relationships - Aileen is married to Jeff Adams and they have two children: Burt and Dierdre.
Power Loss - When mortal as Ailean, rather than Banshee, she has 3 STA, 3 TOU, and 6 Fortitude, and the only powers
she retains are the Banshee's Sight and the Ailean Alternate Effect that makes her mortal.
Vulnerability - Due to her mystical origins, magic-based attacks get +2 to the Attack Check and +2 to the effect.
Known Background: Banshee first appeared in Ireland eighteen years ago, in a quick spate of saving people all around Dublin, and the surrounding areas, from certainly fatal accidents or criminal encounters. It was in these early weeks, as her fame spread, that she became aware of the imminent invasion from der Nacht. She traveled to the western United States and helped Burt Remington, Dragon, the first Guardian, and Morning Star stop the invasion. In the wake of this, those heroes, minus Guardian, formed the Champions of Justice. Banshee remained with the team for the next several years, splitting her time between Los Angeles, Dublin, and eventually New York. During that time she was romantically linked with Morning Star. After the team disbanded and reformed, her work with the team dropped off, and in the appearances she did make it became clear her relationship with Morning Star, while amicable, had clearly changed. She has started working with the team more, after several years away from of active duty.
Personality: Banshee is a reluctant heroine. The hero work was easier for her when she thought she was in love with Morning Star, when in fact, she was more in love with his image. She has softened through the years, originally being quite haughty. Today, she seems more like a woman in love, and a woman seperated from her family. There is a tragic side to her powers, and in that sense she resents them, but feels tremendously guilty when she doesn't use them.
Powers/Tactics: Banshee's obvious powers stem from her ghost-like nature. She is incorporeal, passing through walls, and allowing objects and attacks to pass through her. This makes her very hard to hurt. Also, she posesses the Banshee's wail, a powerful, painful sonic attack that she can use on an individual, or on a crowd. She also learned to focus the vibrations into a powerful physical blast. Her least obvious power is also the one that she is both the most grateful for and the most resentful about. Just as a traditional banshee is appears at a time of someones death, Banshee has a sporadic sense of knowing when someone is about to die, so she can appear. Unlike her namesake, though, this Banshee chooses to do something about it.
Appearance: Banshee appears as a preternaturally beautiful young woman. She has long, flowing, dark hair and bright green eyes. Originally, her only clothing was a gauzy dress. She quickly added shoes, a black eye-mask and any number of alternating dark swimsuits to the ensemble.
Banshee was originally created, designed and played by Sandy Hover. Ken Hallaron has adapted heavily from that. She is now an NPC.
© Copyright 1987, 2024 - Sandra Hover Geil, Kenneth G. Hallaron
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Last updated on 10 June 2023