Created by Ken Hallaron

The parallel world known as Earth-G was at the dawn of its parahuman evolution. In an attempt to manage this emergence, the United Nations gathered together heroes from around the globe to form Earthforce, headed by a U.N. agent named Shane Ulysses (this world's version of Ulysses Shamon). This group struggled from the beginning as each nation's political agendas conflicted against the ideal of working together as a team. On their first outing together, they were on their way to face off against the super villain known as Dr. Thunderhead, but in route to the encounter, a malfunction in The Phantom's equipment caused a cascading effect that quickly severed the containment field surrounding Graviton.

The black hole that formed as a result turned the world into a wasteland. Then, over the years that followed, that husk of a world was pulled apart by the immense gravity. At this point, much of what was Earth-G has been pulled into the black hole. The rest is a cloud of debris, awaiting the same fate.

Blitzkrieg (Germany)
Cyberian Tiger (Russia)
Gael Force (Republic of Ireland)
Graviton (United States)
Longbow (Canada)
le Petit Hercule (France)
The Phantom (United Kingdom)
Sutaraito (Japan)
Shane Ulysses (United Nations)

Other Known Residents
Dr. Thunderhead

© Copyright 2001, 2024 - Kenneth G. Hallaron

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Earth-G is not the world envisioned by Jeff Mills as being the home of his Earthforce campaign. The details of what he envisioned are Mr. Mills's proprietary information. Earth-G was the creation of Kenneth G. Hallaron to fulfill a similar function, within the context of the RC Universe.

Last updated on 24 March 2024