Curse of Life Eternal: Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support) 11
Prestidigitation: Illusion 1 (Affects Sight & Sound), Area 8, 11
Warlock Spells Array 35
AE Creation Spell: Create 8, Innate, Selective, Var. Disc. 26
AE Binding Spell: Burst Area Affliction 8, Resisted by Dodge, 1
Selective, Recharge (Hindered, Disabled, Paralyzed)
AE Blinding Spell: Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 8, 1
Resisted by Dodge, Cumilative, Selective, Limited to Sight,
(Impaired, Disabled, Unaware)
AE Charm Spell: Perception Range Affliction 8, Resisted by 1
Will, Recharge, Visually Dependant (Dazed, Compelled,
AE Cure Wounds: Healing 8, Restorative, Stabilize, Recharge 1
AE Eldritch Missiles: Ranged Damage 8, Accurate, Multiattack, 1
AE Fire Bolt: Ranged Damage 10, Indirect 3 (any point in fixed 1
direction, or fixed point in any direction), Recharge
AE Magikinesis: Move Object 6, Damaging, Perception Range 1
AE Melting Spell: Perception Range Weaken 8, Affects Toughness, 1
Resisted by FORT, No recovery (must be repaired), Recharge
AE Transforation Spell: Transform 9, 1 Thing > Broad (humans 1
into monsters), Transforms 400 lbs., Recharge