Protection Spell: Protection 3, Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease), Enhanced 14
Traits (Dodge +3, Parry +3, Will +3)
Who Wants to Live Forever: Immunity 1 (Aging) 1
Sprectral Pegasus: Flight 8, Winged, Platform 4
Enchanted Strike: Feature 5, stacks with Enchanted Weapons 5
Sorcery: Variable 8 (40 pts.) 56
Eldritch Blast: Ranged Damage 19, Variable Descriptor 2 [40]
Magic Missiles: Ranged Damage 12, Multiattack, Accurate 4(+8) [40]
Badaboom!: Burst Area 2 Damage 13 [13]
Cannonballs: Ranged Burst Area Damage 13 [13]
Eldritch Explosion: Burst Area Damage 15, Damage 10 Area 2 [40]
Protective Spell: Immunity 80 (Toughness checks), ½ effect [40]
Spell of Goliath: Growth 4 (+4 STR, +4 STA, -2 D/P, +2 Intimidation), 5
Continuous; linked to Enhanced Traits -7 (Fortitude -2, Dodge -2,
Parry -2, Intimidation +1, Close Combat:Medevial Weapons -3)
[Effects shown as the small secondary figures above]