Kristoffer Mordred's Son
KRISTOFFER Son of Mordred

NAME : Kristoffer Mordredson IDENTITY : Not Secret OPERATIONS : mobile POWER LEVEL : 15 PLAYER :
non-player character

Abilities Cost: 56
 Lifting STR 3/7
400 lbs. or
6000 lbs.

Flight 8
500 mph

 ignores up to 4 

DODGE (AGL) 15/11 (DC 25/21) PARRY (FGT) 15/11 (DC 25/21) FORTITUDE(STA) 10/12 TOUGHNESS(STA) 15/19 WILL (AWE) 18
Defense Cost: 33

+7 Close, Damage 3/7 Mystic Sword +17/14 Close, Damage 12/16 Mystic Flail +19/16 Close, Damage 10/14 Mystic Spear +17/14 Close, Damage 11/15 Magic Blast +10 Ranged, Damage 19 Magic Missiles +18 Ranged, Damage 12, multiattack


Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Artificer Assessment Benefit 5 (Wealth 3, Cipher, Alternate ID)

Connected Defensive Attack Equipment 15 Improved Defense Improved Disarm Improved Initiative 1

Languages (English, French, German) [Celtic] Power Attack Ritualist Weapon Bind Well-Informed
Advantages Cost: 36 Notes:

Acrobatics 3 2 1 Athletics 3/7 3/4 -- Close Combat 7 7 -- Medevial Weapons 17/14 7/-3 10 Deception 10 2 8 Expertise
History 10 5 5 Magic 15 5 10 the CoJ 7 5 2 Riding 8 5 3 Dimensional
Travel 6 5 1

Insight 2 2 -- Intimidation 8/11 2/3 6 Investigation -- 5 -- Perception 7 2 5 Persuasion 10 2 8 Ranged Combat 2 2 -- Sorcery 10 2 8 Sleight of Hand -- 2 -- Stealth 3/-1 2/-4 1 Technology 6 5 1 Treatment 6 5 1 Vehicles 8 2 6
Skills Cost: 38

Protection Spell: Protection 3, Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease), Enhanced 14 Traits (Dodge +3, Parry +3, Will +3) Who Wants to Live Forever: Immunity 1 (Aging) 1 Sprectral Pegasus: Flight 8, Winged, Platform 4 Enchanted Strike: Feature 5, stacks with Enchanted Weapons 5 Sorcery: Variable 8 (40 pts.) 56 Eldritch Blast: Ranged Damage 19, Variable Descriptor 2 [40] Magic Missiles: Ranged Damage 12, Multiattack, Accurate 4(+8) [40] Badaboom!: Burst Area 2 Damage 13 [13] Cannonballs: Ranged Burst Area Damage 13 [13] Eldritch Explosion: Burst Area Damage 15, Damage 10 Area 2 [40] Protective Spell: Immunity 80 (Toughness checks), ½ effect [40] Spell of Goliath: Growth 4 (+4 STR, +4 STA, -2 D/P, +2 Intimidation), 5 Continuous; linked to Enhanced Traits -7 (Fortitude -2, Dodge -2, Parry -2, Intimidation +1, Close Combat:Medevial Weapons -3) [Effects shown as the small secondary figures above]
Powers Cost: 85

Magic Armour: Protection 7, Impervious Toughness 7 (ignores 4) 14 Enchanted Weapon Array 6 AE Sword / Axe: STR-based Damage 4 (+5) 4 AE Flail: STR-based Damage 2 (+5), Accurate 1 1 AE Spear / Halbeard: STR-based Damage 3 (+5), Reach 1 1
Devices Cost: 20 Total Cost: 268 Base Points: 240 ExP Spent: 28 Experience Points Total: 11 Total Points: 268 Equipment:

Bases, henchmen, and vehicles as needed 75 The Bronze Dragon Medallion 0
Dysfunctional Family - Kristoffer is the son of Mordred and Morgan LeFey. He shares their goal to permanently destroy King Arthur (his Grandfather).
Megalomania - Kristoffer has delusional fantasies of power and omnipotence, desiring to create a "New World Order".
Names Have Power In Magic - Using a person's full name is evidence of a level of personal knowledge, and knowledge is power. If a mage uses a person's given name in conjunction with a spell, it will have a stronger effect, depending on how intimate that knowledge is. This is why most magic-users keep their identities a closely-guarded secret. If the mage has read the full name somewhere (personal records, internet, etc.), the attack gains a +2 effect. If they have heard the full name spoken, they get a +5. And if they have heard the person speak the name from their own mouth, +10 effect is applied.
Vulnerability - Kristoffer has the reputed magical weakness to wrought iron. His toughness is not Impervious to pure iron weapons and take +2 to the effect. This entails wrought iron only, not objects that have been refined, like steel.
Arrest Warrant - Kristoffer is wanted by global law enforcement agencies.

Kristoffer Mordred's Son was created and designed by Ken Hallaron. He is an NPC.

© Copyright 1988, 2024 - Kenneth G. Hallaron

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Last updated on 31 August 2024