The Followers of Germanicus

NAME : Carol Higgins IDENTITY : Not Secret OPERATIONS : mobile POWER LEVEL : 12 PLAYER :
non-player character
The Charwoman

Abilities Cost: 24
 Lifting STR 1 
100 lbs

 Flight SPD 5 
60 mph

* - without
Defensive Roll

DODGE (AGL) 4/19 (DC 29) PARRY (FGT) 4/19 (DC 29) FORTITUDE(STA) 4 TOUGHNESS(STA) 20/17* 5/2* WILL (AWE) 6
Defense Cost: 9

+4 Close, Damage 1 Mop +4 Close, Damage 3 Water Blast +12 Ranged, Damage 12, Imp. Crit. 16-20 Waterkenisis +12 Ranged, Damage 12 Water Spout -- Line, Damage 12 Water Blast -- Burst, Damage 8


Accurate Attack All-Out Attack Artificer Defensive Attack Defensive Roll 3

Equipment 2 Favored Environment (Water) Improved Critical 4 (Water Blast, 16-20) Improved Critical Move-By Action

Power Attack Ranged Attack 3 Ritualist Takedown Uncanny Dodge
Advantages Cost: 23 Notes:

Acrobatics -- 2 -- Athletics 1 1 -- Unarmed Combat 4 4 -- Deception 5 -1 6 Expertise
Housekeeping 6 0 6 Magic 4 0 4 Insight 5 1 4 Intimidation -1 -1 -- Investigation -- 0 --

Perception 5 1 4 Persuasion 0 -1 1 Ranged Combat 6 3/3 -- Water 12 3/3 6 Sleight of Hand -- 3 -- Stealth 5 2 3 Technology -- 0 -- Treatment -- 0 -- Vehicles -- 3 --
Skills Cost: 17

Defying Gravity: Flight 5 10 Water Array: Requires nearby Water, Indirect (Fixed Point, 28 directed away) AE Wave Blast: Burst Area Ranged Damage 8, Area 2 25 AE Water Blast: Ranged Damage 12 1 AE Water Spout: Line Area Damage 12 1 AE Waterkenesis: Move Object 12, Damaging 1 Water Blockers: Enhanced Trait 30 (+15 Dodge & Parry), Requires 18 nearby Water, Indirect (Fixed Point, directed away) Water Wall alt.: Protection 15, Limited Water, Water Everywhere alt.: Deflect 15, Limited Water Environment: Environment 3 (120 ft), Impede Movement 2 6
Powers Cost: 62
Devices Cost: 0 Total Cost: 135 Base Points: 192 ExP Spent: -57 Experience Points Total: 1 Total Points: 135 Equipment:

Ritual Knife: STR-based Damage 2, Penetrating 2 4 Mop: STR-based Damage 2 2 Savantphone 2
Enemies - The Followers of Germanicus are actively hunted by B.A.D.A.S.S.
Psych! - Carol uses her mop like a magic wand. But in reality, she doesn't need it to control the water or fly at all.
Relationships - Charwoman is the daughter of Vicki and wife to Harvey. She would sell both of them out in a heartbeat if she thought it would get her further ahead.
Seller of Souls - The Followers of Germanicus have made pacts with a devil to gain power.

The Charwoman was created and designed by Jim Caswell. She is an NPC.

© Copyright 2024, 2024 - James E. Caswell

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Last updated on 30 June 2024