Commune with Nature: Senses 5 (Postcognition [Limited to Areas of 7
Plant Life], Nature Awareness), Comprehend 2 (Plants)
Branching Out: Elongation 2, Extra Limbs 5 7
Pass Through Plants: Movement 3 (Permeate 3, Vegitation only) 3
Bark: Protection 4; Noticeable 3
Big and/or Sharp Sticks: Strength-based Damage 2 2
Plant Control Array 42
AE Phytotoxin: Cumulative Affliction 11, Resisted by FORTITUDE, 36
Reversable, Accurate 2, Secondary Effect (Impaired, Disabled,
AE Green Network: Remote Sensing 11 (Affects Visual, Auditory, Tactile) 1
Range 2 miles; Subtle 2, using plants as medium
AE Internal Flora: Cumulative Perception Affliction 8, Resisted by 1
by FORT, Subtle (Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated)
AE Plant Growth: Perception Create 11, Innate, Subtle, Permanent 1
AE Pollen Cloud: Cumulative Cloud Area Affliction 11, Resisted by 1
FORTITUDE, Reversable, Subtle (Fatigued, Exhausted, Incap.)
AE Root Transport: Teleport 11, Accurate, Change Direction & Velocity, 1
Extended (2000 miles in 2 actions), Medium (Plants)
AE Tanglevines: Ranged Burst Area Affliction 11, Resisted by DODGE, 1
Overcome by DAMAGE, Extra Condition, Limited Degree (Hindered and
Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Indirect 2
Photosynthesis: Immunity 3 (Sleep, Stavation & Thirst, Drowning), Noticable 4
(Plant-Like), Regeneration 2 (Every 5 rounds)
Plant Form Array 6
AE Swamp Form: Insubstatial 1 (Fluid) 5
AE Taking Root: Immunity 10 (Being Moved, Sustained) ½ effect 1
Growing Like a Weed Array 26
AE Perennial Health: Enhanced Traits 25 (Strength +4, Stamnia +6, 25
Fortitude +2, Close Combat: Sticks +6)
AE Tree Form: Growth 12 (+3 size, +12 mass, +1 speed); Enhanced 1
Traits 1 (Close Combat: Unarmed +2)