Improved Trip
Move-By Action
Power Attack
Prone Fighting
Advantages Cost: 14
Fan Kick: STR-based Damage 3 3
Two... Three... Four...: Summon Duplicates 10, Heroic, Multiple 67
Minions 2 (4 duplicates), Horde, Feature/Quirk: all of her use
the same initiative roll, Side Effect (Pass out on Failure),
Unreliable (5 uses)
Powers Cost: 70
Devices Cost: 0
Total Cost: 162
Base Points: 160
ExP Spent: 2 Experience Points Total: 2
Total Points: 162
Car Tune 8
Honorary COJ Communicator COJ-136 2
Complications: Multiple Points of View Disorder - Evelyn can become confused when she remerges, having literally experienced several things at once. Family Secret - Evelyn doesn't know that she's a cousin of Morning Star. Legacy - Evelyn feels the need to follow in her family's heroic (except for cousin Denver) footsteps. As such, she has made herself Music Man's sidekick.
Chorus Girl was created and designed by Ken Hallaron. She is an NPC.