Expert Climber: Enhanced Trait 4 (Athletics +8) Only while Climbing 2
Just Won't Quit: Regeneration 2, Subtle 2, Quirk: Doesn't work 3
against last damage taken in the encounter
Powers Cost: 5
Leather Uniform: Protection 1; Impervious 3 4
Devices Cost: 4
Total Cost: 160
Base Points: 160
ExP Spent: 0 Experience Points Total: 0
Total Points: 160
PSC Communicator; Motorcycle 11
Flash / Night Vision Goggles 2
Complications: Hero Worship: Rob Katzenstein is a huge fan of le Lion Noir, which led to his interest in martial arts and crime fighting. Not So Secret identity: Rob's interest in le Lion Noir and martial arts means that, despite his attempts at keeping Rob's life seperate from the Bobcat's, he's not that successful.
Bobcat was created, designed by Doug Zeitlin. He is an NPC.