Immense: Growth 4, Permanent (bonuses already included) 8
Tentacles: Many Limbs: Extra Limbs 10, Improved Grab; 26
Sharpened Tentacles: STR-based Damage 3, multiattack;
Strength Has...: Multiattack 10
Not All There Array 16
AE Not All There: Protection 3, Impervious Toughness 11, Subtle 15
AE Like Black Smoke: Insubstantial 2 (Gaseous), Subtle 1
Life, but Not As We Know It: Immunity 15 (Life Support, Sensory 15
Affliction Effects)
Non-normal Senses: Senses 6 (Accurate, Acute, Extended & Ranged 6
Touch, Communication Link to UnderDark)
Once a Human Being: Immunity 30 (Will Effects) ½ effect 15
Scary as Shit Enhanced Trait 12, Permanent (Intimidation +16, 12
Deception +8)
Difficult to Target: Enhanced Trait 27, Subtle (Stealth +10, 24
Dodge +9, Parry +9)
Strange Movement Array 6
AE Winged Flight: Flight 5, Wings 5
AE UnderDark Access: Movement 1 (Dimensional), UnderDark/Earth 1