Fire Aura: Damage 5, Reaction 3, Sustained, Permanent 15
Steelflesh: Impervious Protection 10, Must have a free hand to 9
cast, Must recast after 2 minutes
Elven Constitution: Immunity 12 (Suffocation: Smoke & Ash, 12
Aging, Heat)
Magic Array: Must have a free hand to cast spells 17
AE Teleportation Spell: Teleport 4, Accurate, Change Direction, 14
Change Velocity, Extended (14 miles in 2 actions)
AE Healing Magic: Healing 12, Stabilize 1
AE Invisibility Spell: Concealment 4, All visuals, Passive 1
AE Magic Bolt: Ranged Damage 12, Variable Descriptor (Elemental 1
Magic like Fire, Lightning, or Ice)