Created by Doug Zeitlin and Jim Caswell
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Re-Genesis Tower

Re•Genesis Tower is the forty-one story corporate headquarters of the renewable energy and recycling conglomerate. While the company primarily conducts the business operations and charitable foundation out of the top three floors of the building (with executive management occupying the penthouse), the floors below are dedicated to providing inexpensive office space and funding for organizations dedicated to helping the community and planet. This includes several community-based centers, social and eco-activists, religious organizations dedicated to helping others, and providing funding and land for local co-ops that focus on the growing of mealworms (as an alternative protein source), mushrooms (both as a food product and as a styrofoam alternative) and, in the long term, palm trees (with the leaves to eventually replace paper plates and coconut husks as plasticware alternatives). Currently, there is a Jewish temple located on the seventh floor, a Unitarian church on the twelfth, a United Church of Christ on the fifteenth and a Liberal Advocates of Islam mosque on the twentieth. The building also houses four open community pavilions on the second, fifth, ninth and twenty-seventh floors.

The building itself runs off of an in-house cold fusion generator. The parking garage has plug in ports for free use with all models of electric cars, as well as room for other non-fossil fuel transportation. The roof is a fully-functioning garden, growing various fruit and vegetable produce that is given to local food pantries. Various forms of vines and planter boxes run the length of the exterior of the building, contributing to the mega-positive ecological footprint of the company. Said footprint enables them to sell their excess carbon credits to other companies in Phoenix.

While the tower is very large, the actual things produced by the company are manufactured / operated in a series of warehouses scattered to the south of the city. These include one dedicated to the manufacturing of their cold fusion generators, an R&D lab dedicated to other renewable energy sources (solar and wind power), and a recycling plant. These buildings, along with the base and hangar of Phoenix Force, all run on independent cold-fusion generators and are interconnected via an underground hyper-loop system, enabling commuting between the various sites to be done in minutes instead of hours.

The tower and warehouses are all monitored and patrolled by PB6-model security robots provided by TIN, in exchange for significantly-discounted Re•Genesis cold-fusion generators.

The company’s Mission Statement reads:
The Re•Genesis Foundation is a Social Justice Organization.
We support grassroots organizations working in their communities to achieve social and
environmental justice and by doing so help create a better future for all.
We are especially interested in supporting communities who have historically been denied power.
We believe the people most impacted by injustice are in the best position to propose a solution.
Through our Arizona programs, we support projects to enhance the well-being of all Arizonians.
We are especially interested in programs to advance first-nation racial justice and social equity.
Our philanthropy is guided by Re•Genesis employees who serve on committees that
make our funding decisions.

© Copyright 2024, 2024 - Douglas S. Zeitlin, James E. Caswell

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Last updated on 25 May 2024